The Draft Local Plan 2040
TVBC is consulting on the draft Local Plan 2040 Regulation 18 Stage 2 between Tuesday 6 February and noon on Tuesday 2 April. All details on the Local Draft Plan and the consultation process are available here.
The consultation is our chance to get involved in shaping the future of the Borough. Details on how to make comments are available here.
Your Parish Council have responded to the consultation and their submission is attached below (see Upper Clatford Response to Local Plan). You are welcome to read it as a guide to what we consider to the key issues from the perspective of Upper Clatford.
Please note that submissions have to be in by 2nd April.
Background - The TVBC Local Plan 2040
Upper Clatford Neighbourhood Plan 2019 – 2029 (NDP) was 'made' following the positive referendum on 6 May 2021. It identified and recorded parishioners’ views on key characteristics, features and issues. The NDP was written in conformance with the current TVBC’s Local Plan.
One feature held to be very important to the Community is the Clatford/Anna Valley Local Gap (see map below) as it is critical to maintaining our village identity by ensuring separation from Andover. The planning process has started, which will lead to a revised TVBC Local Plan which will apply to 2040. It is uncertain whether the new version will retain policies on the Local Gap and Local Green Spaces.
Should the revised TVBC Local Plan not include a Local Gap policy option, it would mean our Local Gap status could also disappear. Housing numbers to the year 2040 will be set and sites will need to be identified across TVBC. This may increase pressure on our parish to meet more demanding new housing targets.
The Parish Council have reviewed the parishioners’ responses (over 200) to the questionnaire on the Local Gap, which was overwhelmingly positive on all key issues with respect to its retention. Our thanks to all who responded.