Current Status and News
Upper Clatford Neighbourhood Development Plan is "MADE"
The Upper Clatford Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the Development Plan for the Parish and will be used to guide all future planning decisions in Upper Clatford.
Referendum results:
Votes in Favour - 441
Votes Against - 37
Turnout - 41%
This result of the NDP Referendum, held on Thursday 6th May, confirms that the majority of parishioners voted in favour of the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Anna Valley, Red Rice and Upper Clatford. The NDP will now immediately be adopted by TVBC and will be a consideration in all Planning Applications for the Parish, as well as providing a basis for future actions and plans for the Parish Council.
The NDP was initiated in 2019 with a public meeting and a survey across all parishioners, to which over 600 parishioners responded, provided the basis of the draft NDP, which was developed by a group of volunteers. It was then consulted on with Parishioners and TVBC and the resulting modified draft was then reviewed and approved by an independent Examiner.
The finished document was then put to parishioners in the Referendum on 6th May, with the result of 441 in favour to 37 against.
The Steering Group had planned to vigorously promote a Yes vote, but revised Electoral Commission rules made it practically impossible, without the risk of there being a legal challenge.
One of the great outcomes of the process of getting as many in the community involved as possible, is that the Parish Council has been strengthened with three new members, and we now have a validated set of the aspirations and wishes with respect to where we focus our activities and interpreting responses to planning applications.
So, what were the main policy outcomes of the NDP?
• Reinforcement of the Local Gap (with a detailed analysis of its component areas), and the existing Settlement Boundary, reflecting the current TVBC Local Plan.
• Preferred size and type of new properties to reflect community needs where possible - smaller, affordable and retirement houses being the stated need.
• Requirements to use building materials that are harmonious with surroundings.
• Designation of 4 new areas of Local Green Space. These will be treated as Green Belt land and were selected for their special contribution to Parish character and biodiversity.
• Identified one “Site of Importance for Nature Conservation” (SINC), which has since been designated, between the Anton and the watercress beds, which is of significance in terms of maintaining habitat connectivity. Application for a second SINC is in the process of being reviewed, covering the entire meadow, pond and chalk stream south of Church Lane.
• Identification and protection of views and landscape character in the areas inside and surrounding the villages particularly with respect to trees, hedging and meadows.
• Identification, protection and potentially, enhancement, of community facilities.