PC Members & Meetings
Upper Clatford Parish Council
Members & Meetings
The council members are detailed below. If you want to view any Councillor's Declaration of Pecuniary Interest click on the name. The .pdf document will open in a new window.
To contact any Councillor the first approach should be via the Parish Clerk.
Parish Councillors and Responsibilities as of May 2024
P Heslop: (Chairman) e mail - cllrpheslop@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Pan Parish Forum, Chalk Pit WG
R Bennett: (Vice Chairman) e mail - cllrrbennett@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Planning, Chalk Pit WG (Chairman) Footpath & Open Spaces.
C Crosthwaite Eyre:e mail - cllrceyre@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Finance, Pillhill Brook Association, Chalk Pit WG
C Williams:e mail - cllrcwilliams@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Play Areas
R Hydes: e mail - cllrrhydes@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk- Planning, Chalk Pit WG, Highways & Street Lighting
R Hawkins:e mail - cllrrhawkins@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk- Pavilion & Sports Field Liaison, Highways & Street Lighting
N Freemantle:e mail - cllrnfreemantle@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk
P Littlehales:e mail - cllrplittlehales@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Chalk Pit WG
E Dawson:e mail - cllredawson@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk - Planning, Pillhill Brook Association
Members register of interests can be found on this link:Test Valley Borough Council
Parish Clerk Contact Details
email: clerk@upperclatford-pc.gov.uk
Upper Clatford Parish Council Meetings
Parish meetings will be held at 7.30 pm in the King Edward VII Memorial Hall, Upper Clatford on the second Wednesday of each month. Agenda, minutes and further details can be found by clicking the appropriate document below: