Resources and sources of information
Below you will find some references to additional information and resources that you might find useful as we go through the process.
Anna Valley, Red Rice and Upper Clatford Parish
Upper Clatford Parish Profile is an overview of a range of demographics on the parish of Upper Clatford, and is periodically updated as a PDF document on the Anna Ward Page of the TVBC website. It has useful and interesting information and can be located at
http://Upper Clatford parish profile - Test Valley Borough Council
Test Valley Borough Council
- The TVBC Local Plan -
- TVBC General guidance on NDPs -
- Issues and Options Consultation for the next Local Plan -
Links to Goodworth Clatford web site whose NDP has been completed and will be put to a vote of parishioners at the end of March 2019.
The Goodworth Clatford Evidence Document can be uploaded at:
The Final, Approved NDP for Goodworth Clatford can be downloaded at:
General background to the NDP Process.
- Locality – step by step guide on NDP preparation -