The parish of Westwell is largely rural, comprising the village itself and extending as far as Tutt Hill to the west and Sandyhurst Lane to the east.
Westwell village is a picturesque, small settlement at the foot of the Downs in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. First mentioned in a Saxon document in the ninth century, it is also in the Domesday book. The centre of the village is a Conservation area, with many listed buildings and mature trees, including ancient yew trees close to St Mary's Church.
As well as being of historic interest, the parish is a busy, thriving community with many local groups. It has links to London and Europe, with the M20 and HS1 running through it.
If you have items you would like to include, please contact the Clerk.
Westwell Parish Council recognises its duty of care with regard to data; its Privacy Notice can be downloaded below.
Westwell Parish Council's Accessibility Statement can be downloaded below.
The website Planning Tracker is not yet operational but the website host is working on this and it will be made available in due course. Planning applications can be viewed on the Ashford Borough Council website here, and comments can be submitted on any application - this is not restricted to neighbours or other Consultees.
For Community News and Events visit the Community website or the Westwell Facebook page
To book the parish hall phone 01233 712016