Hants Countryside Service
As the Hampshire Countryside Service, it's our job to look after the great outdoors, so it can look after you in return. We work with local landowners to maintain, manage, protect and improve public footpaths, bridleways and byways for the public's benefit. We also work to protect and conserve Hampshire's indigenous wildlife and its rich heritage. We manage a suite of countryside sites across Hampshire, including Royal Victoria, Manor Farm, Queen Elizabeth and Lepe Country Park.
For more information, access our website here
Find our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HampshireCountryside
Welcome to the Access Team's February newsletter
We gain an extra day this month due to the leap year, so use your extra day wisely! Some of us may chose to use this extra time to explore a new walk, start your house spring clean, or get out in the garden and give your outdoor space some much needed TLC.
Corinne is using this time to film her first Hidden Walks episode which we are excited to see. We met with the filming team to plan our Hidden Walks and educational videos for this year so this will be the first of many we hope!
Talking of videos - we are pleased to share with you our mini documentary 'Managing Ash Die Back'. This mini doc was filmed during last year, and is a fascinating insight into the management of ash trees, and the use of these trees once they have been felled. As recycling is of upmost importance, we find out how the timber is used - nothing goes to waste!
If you spot a problem with a muddy or waterlogged path, please report it here
For more information on public rights of way and how to use them, click here
To view the definitive map, click here