Footpaths and Trees
Councillor Patrick Gerrish is Linton’s Tree Warden
He provides a focal point for dealing with these important environmental issues.
Gathering information and encouraging practical projects relating to trees in the parish. Projects may include planting and caring for trees, advising on dangerous trees and tree surveys. The warden is supported in this work by the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, (BTCV). Linton has, within its boundaries, a Conservation Area and work on any trees within this area is subject to statutory regulations. Some trees are also subject to Tree Preservation Orders.
For advice or further information, you can contact him via email
Peter Paterson monitors the condition of all footpaths, bridle paths and byways within the parish. The maintenance of these paths is the responsibility of the respective land owners and Kent County Council’s Public Rights of Way section.
If you have see a footpath in Linton that needs maintenance or repairs, or where the signage is damaged or misleading, contact
Also, don’t forget to check the Linton Walks Page!