Club Selection Policy
The Club Selection Policy was adopted by the General Committee at its meeting on 09 January 2019 and will apply to all matches organized by the club from that date.
1. Aim
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all members are treated fairly in selection of teams for Club matches. All members pay the same subscription and may reasonably expect to play a similar number of games to other members and to have their playing ability assessed objectively. It also sets out what is needed from members to help the process of selection run smoothly.
2. Selection Policy
For competitive games (e.g. County Cup or League games) the Selection Committee will use their knowledge of players to select the best possible team, taking into consideration the following
- Observations and advice from all captains/vice-captains
- Observations and advice from Club coaches
- Performance in Club and other competitions
For friendly fixtures, in addition to the above criteria, the Committee will endeavour to:
- Give players the opportunity to progress and develop their skills
- Ensure that the number of games played by individual members is roughly equal
3. Selection Process
To allow members the best possible opportunity of playing, when they are available, the Selection Committee will:
- Post sign-up sheets on the noticeboard at least 3 weeks before the fixture
- Aim to hold selection meetings weekly and select teams at least a week before fixture
- Publish teams on the club noticeboard and website immediately after selection
4. Responsibilities of Members
- Indicate availability on sign-up sheets as early as possible (we all want to avoid the situation of the captain having to drum up players a day or two before the game)
- Once the team is posted, confirm availability promptly
- Please try not to call off at short notice unless completely unavoidable but if you do, inform the team captain as soon as possible (crossing your name off the selection sheet does not constitute adequate notice to withdraw from a game)
- If you have an issue with selection, speak to the relevant captain or to another member of the Selection Committee