Rink Booking
You should use the Club's online Rink Booking system (bowlr) to book a rink for roll-ups or for Club competitions. Rinks that haven't been booked are available on a first come first served basis.
Information to be entered when booking a rink
When booking a rink enter the names of all individuals who will be playing on that rink. If you’re booking a rink for a Club competition, you should also enter the name of the competition and, if applicable, the marker. Make bookings as 'Agreed', 'Open Play' bookings; we’re investigating the possibility of being able to select the name of a Club competition instead of ‘Open Play’.
Don’t Forget
The bowlr DIARY only shows what’s happening on our green. Look at the CLUB CALENDAR for details of all fixtures (home and away) including the names of team members when the team has been selected.
New to the online booking system?
When you first log in you should go to MY ACCOUNT (button top left of screen) and change your initial password to one of your own choosing. If you make a mistake, or if you have forgotten your Member Number or password please contact Andy or Debby.
If you click/tap on MAKE A NEW BOOKING or BOOK A MATCH you will be taken to the diary for ‘today’. You will see that the system is set up with 2 hour slots. Click/tap on CHOOSE DATE to select a different date from the pop-up calendar or use the PREVIOUS/NEXT buttons to change the date one day at a time.
As a user you cannot edit or delete any sessions that have been reserved by the system managers for things such as home fixtures or maintenance of the Green. You can only book slots with the heading “Open Play”. Click/tap on any of these slots to get the booking form. When you’ve entered the details and saved your booking the system will send you an e-mail confirming the booking.
Go back to the Home Screen (click on the bowl/wood icon) to see your bookings. Each of your bookings will have a “REMOVE YOUR BOOKING” button against it. Only you or the system admin can delete a booking once it has been confirmed.
Whenever you want to get back to the Home screen, click on the bowl/wood icon.
Please feel free to make dummy bookings to get used to using the system (but remember to delete them!)