Club Competition Rules
1. All competitions shall be controlled by the Competitions Committee, hereinafter called the Committee, which shall consist of at least 3 members and be chaired by the Competitions Secretary.
2. The decision of the Committee in any matter referred to it shall be final and binding.
3. The Committee will decide on the closing date for competition entries and will publish this date. The draw for all competitions will be made by the Committee after this date.
4. Competition matches shall be played within the period allocated for each round as published on the Club noticeboard and website. Failure to play within this period (i.e. before the 'play by' date) will result in the elimination of defaulter(s), unless the Committee rule otherwise, based on the merits of the case.
5. BOTH PLAYERS/PAIRS shall have EQUAL RESPONSIBILITY for making contact with their opponent(s) to agree arrangements for the match: date and time of play, booking a rink and appointing a marker (if necessary), which must take place before the published ‘play by’ date. If the match does not take place in time, because this contact has not been made or has been made so late that no mutually acceptable date is possible, the Committee may eliminate either or both players/teams from the competition.
6. The Committee may permit dates for matches to be set beyond the ‘play by’ date, but such extension shall be for a maximum of 7 days and shall only be granted, if a new date within the extension period has been agreed and the reason for the extension is deemed acceptable (see Advice to Competitors below for acceptable reasons).
7. Any difficulties in arranging matches before the ‘play by’ date or any other problems must be notified to the Committee as soon as possible. If the match does not take place before the ‘play by’ date and no such notification has been made, the Committee may disqualify both parties.
8. Pairs are expected to play as drawn in all Pairs competitions, but a substitute may be permitted to play, subject to the approval of the Committee, if one member of the pair is unavailable for good reason and the match cannot otherwise take place before the play by date. Substitutes must be full members of the club and cannot be a competitor in the same competition, even if previously eliminated. Pairs will only be allowed to use a substitute once in a competition and substitutes will not be allowed in the semi-final or final matches.
9. Matches may be claimed as a walkover, if the opponent(s) fails to arrive by 30 minutes after the agreed time and date of the match without prior notification. Walkovers must be notified to the Committee for confirmation within 24 hours of the claim.
10. The FINALS DAY date will be notified before the closing date for competition entries. All entrants will be expected to be available to play on FINALS DAY. Failure to do so could result in disqualification.
11. Dress for all competition matches is grey trousers or skirt or shorts with white or Club shirt, except for Finals Day, for which whites must be worn. Markers in singles matches should be dressed as for a player.
12. After every match a completed score card must be deposited in the box provided or handed directly to the Competition Secretary. As a minimum the scorecard should show: the date of the match: the name of the competition: the names of the players taking part; the record of shots scored at each end and the result of the match.
13. The result of any match cannot be considered official, unless the scorecard is correct and agreed. In singles matches the marker or both players should sign the card to indicate that the result has been agreed. For pairs matches a member of each team should sign the card to indicate agreement to the result.
14. Matches shall be decided on a 21 up basis or such other score as the GBA may dictate for County singles play.
15. The Committee shall allocate each competitor a handicap between 18 and 26. The Club Champion shall automatically be given the highest handicap of 26 and all other competitors shall be given a lower number, which in the judgement of the Committee reflects their bowling abilities. The winner shall be the player, who first reaches or surpasses his allocated handicap score.
16. Matches in the 2 wood competition shall be played over 21 ends, the winner being the competitor with the higher score after the 21st end. If the scores are level, an extra end shall be played to decide the winner.
17. The Committee shall allocate a handicap to each entrant, as for the Singles Handicap competition (para 15). The entrants shall be divided into 2 groups of equal numbers, one comprising the higher handicapped players and a second of lower handicapped players. The draw for partners shall be made by selecting one player from each group, thus providing a reasonable balance in pairings. Entry fees shall be refunded to any entrant not drawn with a partner
18. Matches shall be played over 16 ends, the winner being the pair with the higher score at the completion of the 16th end. If the scores are level, an extra end shall be played to decide the winner.
19. If a substitute player is required, General Rule 8 shall apply.
20. The Committee will make a draw for partners, each pair comprising one lady and one gentleman. Entry fees will be refunded to any entrant not drawn with a partner.
21. Matches shall be played over 16 ends, the winner being the pair with the higher score at the completion of the 16th end. If the scores are level, an extra end shall be played to decide the winner.
22. A substitute player, if used, must be of the same gender as the player replaced, in addition to the provisions of General Rule 8 .
MR. & MRS. (4 WOODS)
23. The Mr & Mrs competition is open to married couples, couples in civil partnerships and couples in established relationships, both of whom must be members of the Club’s bowling section. No substitutes shall be allowed. Matches shall be played over 16 ends, the winner being the pair with the higher score at the completion of the 16th end. If the scores are level, an extra end shall be played to decide the winner.
24. The Senior Citizen Singles competition is open to all bowling members of the Club, who have attained the age of 65 years on or before 1 April of the current year. Matches shall be decided on a 21-up basis.
25. The Strickland Bowl is open to all bowling members, who have not previously won a singles competition (2 wood, 4 wood or handicap) in any club, County, National or tournament event. For the avoidance of doubt this includes singles competitions at any club, at which the entrant has formerly been a member.
26. Matches shall be decided on a 21 up basis.
27. Matches in the Ladies Championship shall be decided on a 21 up basis.
28. Matches in the Ladies 2 wood completion shall be played over 21 ends, the winner being the competitor with the higher score after the 21st end. If the scores are level, an extra end shall be played to decide the winner.
29. The Committee shall make the draw for partners, dividing entrants into 2 groups, based on the Committee’s judgement of bowling ability. One player will be selected from each group, thus providing a reasonable balance in pairings.
30. Matches shall be played over 16 ends, the winner being the pair with the higher score at the completion of the 16th end. If the scores are level, an extra end shall be played to decide the winner.
31. If a substitute player is required, General Rule 8 shall apply.
Make arrangements for any match at the beginning of the time window for the current round of your competition or as soon as you know the opponent for your next match. Don’t leave it to the last available week and then discover that someone is on holiday, involved in county competition, is ill or has any other compelling reason not to play.
The Committee will try to schedule ‘play by’ dates so that you have a window of at least 3 weeks, in which to play a round (often it will be longer). The more entrants in a competition, the more rounds there will be, therefore the more important it is to adhere to these dates. Any late games reduce the time available for later rounds, so it will be harder for remaining competitors to find a suitable date.
If you are in a pairs competition, you should make every effort to play as the drawn pair, but if this really is not possible, try to find a substitute, rather than postpone a game to a time after the play by date. Do bear in mind though that a sub must be a full playing member of the club and cannot have played in the same competition (even if they have already been knocked out). You should inform a committee member that a sub will be playing and as a courtesy your opponents. If in any doubt as to eligibility, consult a committee member.
The committee policy is to allow extensions only for compelling reasons, which include illness or injury; green unplayable or severe weather on planned day; family emergency or bereavement. Note that the maximum delay is 1 week: if your illness or injury or other emergency last longer than this, then you will be expected to withdraw or be scratched. You’ll notice that planned holidays are not an acceptable reason: if you have a holiday, which might impact on availability to play, you should be talking to your opponent as early as possible to avoid the potential problem.
We’re more likely to be sympathetic to a request, if you can show that you started arrangements early and didn’t leave it until the last minute to discover that no mutually suitable date was available.