Ladies Information
Affiliated to E.C.B.A & E.C.W.B.A.
Lady Captain:- Mrs. Lynn Martin
Lady Vice-Captain:- Mrs. Sandra Nichols
While Billericay bowling club is now fully integrated, this leaflet is designed to inform our lady bowlers of what is specifically available to them.
Ladies’ Competitions
County Competitions
There are two County Competitions, Top Club and Albert Crabb that historically Billericay enter. Top Club is played towards the beginning of the season, in May, and comprises a singles, a doubles, a triples and a rinks, all playing simultaneously . Points are awarded and the team with the highest score proceeds to the next round. Albert Crabb is played in June and comprises two Rinks game, one at home and one away and being played simultaneously. Again, the winner proceeds to the next round.
In addition there are other county competitions which teams or individuals may enter independently. Details of these are displayed on the notice board in the main changing room.
Entries for 2025 season will be made by individual bowlers/teams through the ECWBA website portal.
Benevolent Triples is an all-day competition where team(s) of triples from different clubs, in the same area, play in three drawn matches of 8 ends. The highest scorers then go through to the finals. Monies raised are used for charitable causes. The entry form is displayed on the Ladies’ board.
Patrons’ Day is a one day competition open to individuals. The competition consists of three games of 6 ends. Individuals are arranged into teams according to randomly drawn tiles and individual scores are accumulated from their team results. The top three scorers are awarded prizes at the end of the day. The entry form is displayed on the ladies’ board in the main changing room.
County Singles, Two Wood, Pairs, County Triples, County Fours
Individuals may enter the singles competition via the ECWBA portal.
Teams of two, three or four can enter the above competitions via the ECWBA.
These are organized by county and set out in the county handbook a copy of which is in the clubhouse or on the website with the link ECWBA competitions.
The county handbook can be purchased by individuals and it is recommended that any members entering the County Competition must purchase their own copy for reference.
Basildon & District Competition
Basildon Ladies Sports Trophy is run by Basildon & District Bowling Association. In support of this Association we enter two teams of pairs. The number of teams accepted is limited but we usually gain entry and the venue is rotated every year for this all day event.. You can register your interest in playing in this competition on the notice displayed in the main Club house.
Chelmer Ladies League
Each year we enter a team comprising 2 Triples into the Chelmer Ladies League. This league involves approximately 11 teams, and we play each team at home one year and away the next. It is run by 2 ladies elected at the AGM. Notices are posted on the Ladies Notice Board in the main clubhouse (back right) inviting Ladies to show their interest in playing on a fixture-by-fixture basis. Teams are chosen and shown on the same notices. If you are selected, you will need to tick your name to confirm that you will play. Transport is organized for these matches.
In addition, there is the Chelmer Ladies Pairs competition of which the losers of the first round are entered into the Chelmer Plate competition.
Internal competitions
Marion Fry Trophy - An annual event for Ladies Pairs. It is a one day event which consists of three separate games of 8 ends. Pairs are drawn at random after separating front end players and back end players (Leads and Skips). This is an all-day event so you need to bring your own lunch. You can sign up for this via a form on the noticeboard in the club house. Where 5 or less pairs enter, the competition is run as a Round Robin event.
Ladies’ Only Club Competitions
Championship (first to 21 shots),
Two Wood (first to 21 shots),
Pairs (18 ends to be played).
Members wanting to play in these events are requested to do so at the Pre-Season Meeting (March each year) and the draws are made by the competition secretary with ladies’ pairs being drawn at random.
For mixed pairs you can choose your partner but any lady without a partner can still enter and a partner will be assigned when the draw is made.
Trophies are awarded at the Annual Presentation Lunch in November or at the AGM.
Mixed one day Internal Competitions are also run each summer and again interest is these is requested at The General Pre-Season Meeting.
The winner of the internal Ladies’ Championship is eligible to enter the National, County as Basildon & District ‘Champion of Champion’ competitions.
When the competitions are drawn the first mentioned played is the challenger and is required to offer the opponent three dates for the match to be played. A mutually agreed date then time is agreed upon and the challenger books the rink and if appropriate, finds a marker.
Ladies’ Gala days
We also receive invitations from other clubs to attend their Ladies Gala Days and these are posted on the Notice Board in the Ladies Changing Room. If you are interested in playing just sign up but be aware that there may be a charge.
President’s Charity Day
Our Annual President’s Charity Day is held on Bank holiday Monday in August. A fee is charged to take part in this fun day and the proceeds go to the President’s nominated charity.
Most importantly - enjoy bowling
Last updated 17 November 2024