2022 / 2023
Tim Light of Lightatouch was appointed as auditor for the year 2022-23 by resolution in the May 2022 Council meeting. (Minute 6219).
Tim will carry out a mid-year audit on 18 November 2022 and a year-end final review in April 2023, in compliance with the council's financial regulations and the requirements of JPAG section 4.
If residents of the Parish have any questions regarding the accounts, they are in the first instance to contact the Clerk. (Please see the Inspection of Public Accounts page.)
If questions are not satisfactorily answered, parishioners should contact the internal auditor as below to raise any concern.
7 Hodder Close, Chandlers Ford, Hants, SO53 4QD.
Tel: 07762 780605 Email: Tim.Light1@hotmail.co.uk
For each financial year we display the following documents:
1. Internal Auditors written report.
2. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) Internal Control objective - signed by the Internal Auditor.
3. Annual governance Statement - Section 1 of the AGAR
4. Accounting Statements - Section 2 of the AGAR
5. Certificate of Conclusion of Audit, uploaded after receipt back from the External Auditor, (Usually on 30 Sept)
6. Clerk's note (if any) from the Internal Audit process.
Note: that these do not show the Clerk's or Chairman's signatures, but the originals with signatures can be inspected by appointment with the Clerk.