Arthur Denyer Day
One of our esteemed members (Arthur Denyer) passed away recently, and his family have very kindly donated a Shield in Memory of him.
We will be holding an annual Competition in Arthur's Memory where there will be a winner who receives this Trophy for a year and will have their name engraved onto the Shield.
The difference in this game is that everyone whom puts their name down WILL play - doesn't matter how many people - even if its an odd number - as it consists of playing 6 ends and then changing teams completely to play a further 6 ends.
This is repeated once more, so 18 ends are played overall.
The First Game was played on Friday 20th September 2024 (Actually Arthur's Birthday) and a lovely sunny, albeit slightly breezy afternoon commenced. There were a few "oh no not rink 2 again!" Or "Oh no not Lead again!" - or even "Oh no not against you again!" in fact quite a few "Oh No's" but overall a good afternoon was held with a cream tea to follow.
Janet (Arthur's wife) and Carol their daughter supported us by coming to support and watch, with Carol presenting the shield at the end to the overall winner - Jimmy Wan with a fantastic + 31 difference in score. (Picture below)
April Mitchell had the strongest shoulders holding everyone else with a score difference of - 18
Congratulations and thanks to all who entered and helped out on the day.