Postal Services
The only postbox in Warnford is by the bus stop outside the George & Falcon on the A32. Collection times are 9am Monday to Friday and 7am on Saturday. There is no mail collection on Sunday.
The postbox in West Meon is on the A32 across the road from Buckinghams butcher's shop. Collection times are 4:45pm Monday to Friday and 10:00am Saturday. There is no mail collection on Sunday.
Post Offices are located in both the West Meon and Meonstoke village shops. Opening times are:-
West Meon - 9:00am to 1:00pm Tuesday and Thursday
Meonstoke - 9:00am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 12:30pm Saturday. Further information is on their website here.
The Post Office main website can be found here.
Postal Services near Warnford
- Meonstoke Village Store & Post Office
- Warnford Postbox
- West Meon Postbox
- West Meon Village Shop & Post Office